Ancient Egypt's the theme and word search is the game. All the words go from left to right. Draw a ring around the words when you find them. View PDF for printing Here's what the words in the wordsearch puzzle mean...
CAMEL The camel is like ‘the horse of the desert’, as (like a horse) it is used for transportation. They have long legs, humps and big slobbery lips. They often spit, which is rather rude! Pictures of camels appear in the Plumpy The Pharaoh book, where you have to spot 8 of them.
DELTA A delta is a flat area of land where a river divides into smaller rivers before flowing into the sea. In Egypt, the Nile Delta is where the river Nile spreads out and flows into the Mediterranean Sea.
DESERT A desert is an area where very little rain falls. Deserts are sometimes very hot and sandy like in Egypt.
GOD A god is a superhuman being with special powers. The ancient Egyptians worshipped lots of different gods.
HOT Hot is when the temperature gets very high. It is usually very hot in Egypt.
KING The king is the ruler of a land or country. The pharaoh was the king of ancient Egypt.
LOTUS The lotus is a type of water lily, which is a plant that grows in water. The leaves and flowers float on the water and it was the lotus symbol that came to represent the sun in ancient Egypt.
MUMMY Important people in ancient Egypt were preserved for their journey into the afterlife by a process called mummification. The preserved pharaohs are known as mummies. Even daddies were allowed to become mummies!
OASIS An oasis is a place in the desert where water is found. Sometimes plants and trees grow at the oasis.
NILE The Nile is a very long river that flows through Egypt as well as a number of other countries.
PHARAOH In ancient Egypt, Pharaoh was the most important person in the kingdom. He was thought to be half-man and half-god. Plumpy The Pharaoh never let the fame go to his head though!
PYRAMID A pyramid is a big stone pointy building used mainly as a tomb for a pharaoh. The biggest pyramid in the world is the Pyramid of Khufu at Giza in Egypt. It looks a bit like Plumpy The Pharaoh’s pyramid!
SAND Sand is made of small worn down pieces of rock. There is a lot of sand in the deserts of Egypt. Very useful for making sand castles!
SPHINX A sphinx is a make-believe creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human (although in the Plumpy The Pharaoh book it has the body of a dog and the head of a dog, so isn’t really a sphinx at all!).
TEMPLE A temple is a building used to worship god. Plumpy’s temple in the Plumpy The Pharaoh book is very large and very colourful.
TOMB A tomb is a large room used to store the pharaoh. Sometimes tombs are underground and sometimes even inside a pyramid.
Once you have found all the words, take a look at Plumpy's second book Plumpy The Pharaoh.
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