Look for the rugby related words in the grids. Nice and easy this one but some of you grown-ups may struggle a bit! View PDF for printing Print out the pdf and complete the word search puzzles. And here's what the words mean kids...
WALES One of the teams in the Six Nations.
TEAM A group of people working together to achieve a goal.
SCRUM In rugby when the game is stopped, the two teams push against each other to try and gain control of the ball.
IRELAND One of the teams in the Six Nations.
TRY A way of scoring points in rugby.
TACKLED When a player is tackled a member of the opposing team has stopped them from carrying on with the ball.
RUN Like walking... only much faster!
KICK Hitting the ball with your foot to make it move.
ENGLAND One of the teams in the Six Nations.
BALL The object the game revolves around. Plumpy is shaped a bit like a rugby ball!
PASS To throw the ball backwards to a teammate.
FRANCE One of the teams in the Six Nations.
THROW To propel the ball through the air.
ITALY One of the teams in the Six Nations.
CATCH To trap and hold the ball before it hits the ground.
RUCK When the two teams try to gain control of the ball when it's on the ground.
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